Everyone have their own attitude, if who didn't have attitude.Sometimes we can't change our attitude we want.Experience that from my own I love to shopping I choose many shirt that attract me but when I bought it back I feel like not ever like.I show my mum and dad see how pretty my clothes is, my dad will say no I don't like you to wear skirt, than mummy say I like your look when wearing a skirt,that lets me confuse about really the skirt I bought weither is nice or not.
When my mum ask me what phone you going to change? I answer iphone4s than after I got it I feel that I not really need a iphone4s. Suddenly I change my attitude and don't want use it anymore it's difficult to use, the button phone is better,I can feel the button, press it, and touch it easily.The touch screen is so difficult to use when I want to press 3 than it show 2 than I send wrong message to my friend.
We change our attitude suddenly when our emotion change, that means you like somethings or dislike somethings. Lets see I love drawing, but if the moment I didn't have mood than I can't draw anythings.The picture below shows that the picture I draw when I'm in a happy mood, but I can't control my mood it came suddenly.
Try to understand yourself what you love what you like. Whatever our attitude will changes suddenly try to be yourself.Not copy from others just from your ownselfs.
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