Saturday, 15 September 2012

Which Type of Genre you love?

Drama, Adventure, Thriller, Horror, Romance, Comedy,  Mystery, Science Fiction?? Most everyone at least has a category of movie they enjoy.My favorites type of movie genre is comedy. I love to watch the movie that has a happy ending and can make me laugh at the whole movie.If i has a badly mood after i watch comedy movie it will change my mood through a better mood.

“Mr.Proppers and penguins” this is a comedy movie. I like to watch this movie i almost watched this movie more than 4 times. This movie is showing how Mr.Proppers lives with those penguins. The penguins are so cute and funny...

This is the one who almost with me from a little girl until now.
The man who name Mr.Bean in the movie.He is so funny, all of this movie almost make me laugh out loud.......
He always do the crazy things, and funny actions that make me laugh......

I dislike horror movie it's so horrible after i watched it. It make me can't sleep well and thinking nonsense so i dislike horror movie if i look through a bloody kind of things it make me crazy and feel uncomfortable.

Music has different genres too such as Blues,Country, Jazz,Hip-hop,Romance,Rap,Rock,Folk, and others.I love to listen those romance music it can make me feel good.It's like a soft type of music and bring me through another world.
The music below is a romance music i love to listen it.


Type of books genre has Action,Adventure,Fantasy,Horror,Romance,Mystery and more.
Of cause I love to read a romance story as an example of "Twilight" .That is a girl 17 years old girl name Bella fall in Love with a 104 years old vampire name Edward.It is so romantic between Bella and Edward love.


If you still haven own a favorite type of movies,musics, and books genre right now.Try to find out one now~

Skill of Media Literacy

Before we can't fully understand media literacy.We must understand why literacy?The skill that beneficial use of media technologies is the goal of media literacy.Media literacy provides a framework to access, analyze, evaluate and create messages in a variety form.Media literacy is a skill that we can absorb it and it can be improve also.We must always thinking critically about the content we consume that is the very nature of media literacy; and always ask why and what to ourself if we cannot answer these question,we have taken no responsibility for ourself.Understanding the content we consume,how the content form? What do the content going to show us?

 Lets look at the picture above how does it form? It form by the advertiser to be a poster and show it everywhere to everyone. What this picture going to show us? This picture show us the simple way just want everyone "Drink Coca-cola".This poster show the easy way to understand it.

The picture below is more complicated and if you didn't pay attention to this advertisement you can't get what the advertisement going to show you and tell you.So we must pay attention and ask the question to our own self and try to solve the question.Understanding the advertisement going to show us. This advertisement is showing us lets drink coca cola with music will be awesome!!

 Learning to enjoy,understanding, and appreciate media content.To understand we must pay attention, and filter out the noise.Lets pay attention for this advertisement video it shows a very creative way to us what is needed to form a car.If you didn't pay attention you will not get it that what it going to show you.

Creating thinking are very important for everyone, try to think the different way and try to form a new idea.
Try to think people cannot think,do something that people did not do, if you follow this in the positive way you will success soon......