I always believe that humans are not living alone in the world there are still maybe thousand and thousand "others living things" are staying with us and look at us but we cannot see them.
"The leading proponent of the theory that the U.S government knows more than it's saying about UFOs."- Toronto Globe and Mail
When UFOs fall from the sky, a history of famous incidents,conspiracies, and cover-ups. There are those who would tell us that the first UFO crash came more than 12,000 years ago in China. Others would suggest that the first crash, in the New World, came nearly 4,000 years ago in what is now called the Grand Canyon. Still, others would date the first of the UFO crashes from the Middle Ages, and others still from the late 19th century.
" Kazart's Planet V.S Humans" getting idea from real sources:
There was a very beautiful and high technology planet, their buildings there are 10xhigher than buildings in the earth. The living things there are also 10xbigger than human in the earth. They didn't use car, bus, motorcycle as their transport. Every one of them can go everywhere if they want and their transport made by the biggest metal. All the living creature look like giant, compare to them human are just dwarfs. They can come to our earth or others planet, it is so easy and simple for them. They transport do not need petrol, their technology almost overstep than technology in earth.
One day the king of the planet name Kazart he had promise to his father must protect the whole universe and don't let any one of the planet disappeared. He keep this as his errand and after his father pass away, he give order to all the villagers of the Kazart's planet must protect the whole universe, if who didn't follow, must be punished. So every one followed the order and no one would decline it, because they respect their king and they believe that their king's order will benefits them.
So they try to create transport that can go through others planet easily and it is transparent and also invulnerability. Finally they success to create their invulnerability transport, the king was very happy and command the villagers of the Kazart's planet allowed to drive the created transport go to observe every planet on the whole universe and write a report and pass it to him.
The villagers of the Kazart's planet drive to every planet they found that every planet in the whole universe live in peace except earth. Human are always did the things that is going to destroy the earth. The villagers drive the way back to their planet and do the report what they had seen and the observation they had did in every planet to their king. After looking for the report Kazart was become anger and he order his army to hunt all the human lives in the earth. Humans are going to be terrible and hazardous.
When the army of Kazart's planet reach the earth and start to hunt human up-site down. And the universe war was started. Human are hunted and enslaved by the tyrannical primates. The sudden appearance of one man name Andos, alien to the present order and unaffected by its oppression, serves as a challenge to the status quo and a catalyst for revolutionary social change. And after that humans was rescued.
Others sources that things are not from earth:
"The leading proponent of the theory that the U.S government knows more than it's saying about UFOs."- Toronto Globe and Mail
When UFOs fall from the sky, a history of famous incidents,conspiracies, and cover-ups. There are those who would tell us that the first UFO crash came more than 12,000 years ago in China. Others would suggest that the first crash, in the New World, came nearly 4,000 years ago in what is now called the Grand Canyon. Still, others would date the first of the UFO crashes from the Middle Ages, and others still from the late 19th century.
In what we call the modern world, the first report of a UFO crash was made during the first week in July 1947, and, although most people would suggest that was the Roswell case, Roswell wouldn't be called a UFO crash until much later. Instead, the July 7th case near Bozeman, Montana would be the first widely reported flying saucer crash.
It was the late Len Stringfield who opened the door to the study of UFO crashes, which is not to say he was the first proponent of them. That honor, such as it is, belongs to Frank Scully, who, in 1949, was a columnist for Weekly Variety, a Hollywood trade paper. In October of that year, Scully reported (with his tongue in cheek, given the style of the article), that a flying saucer had crashed, and both it and the bodies of the alien flight crew had been recovered by the U.S government.
" Kazart's Planet V.S Humans" getting idea from real sources:
There was a very beautiful and high technology planet, their buildings there are 10xhigher than buildings in the earth. The living things there are also 10xbigger than human in the earth. They didn't use car, bus, motorcycle as their transport. Every one of them can go everywhere if they want and their transport made by the biggest metal. All the living creature look like giant, compare to them human are just dwarfs. They can come to our earth or others planet, it is so easy and simple for them. They transport do not need petrol, their technology almost overstep than technology in earth.
One day the king of the planet name Kazart he had promise to his father must protect the whole universe and don't let any one of the planet disappeared. He keep this as his errand and after his father pass away, he give order to all the villagers of the Kazart's planet must protect the whole universe, if who didn't follow, must be punished. So every one followed the order and no one would decline it, because they respect their king and they believe that their king's order will benefits them.
So they try to create transport that can go through others planet easily and it is transparent and also invulnerability. Finally they success to create their invulnerability transport, the king was very happy and command the villagers of the Kazart's planet allowed to drive the created transport go to observe every planet on the whole universe and write a report and pass it to him.
The villagers of the Kazart's planet drive to every planet they found that every planet in the whole universe live in peace except earth. Human are always did the things that is going to destroy the earth. The villagers drive the way back to their planet and do the report what they had seen and the observation they had did in every planet to their king. After looking for the report Kazart was become anger and he order his army to hunt all the human lives in the earth. Humans are going to be terrible and hazardous.
When the army of Kazart's planet reach the earth and start to hunt human up-site down. And the universe war was started. Human are hunted and enslaved by the tyrannical primates. The sudden appearance of one man name Andos, alien to the present order and unaffected by its oppression, serves as a challenge to the status quo and a catalyst for revolutionary social change. And after that humans was rescued.
Others sources that things are not from earth:

10,000 B.C.
Along the Chinese-Tibetan border, the Dropa Stones indicate what some believe to be an ancient alien crash-landing. While exploring some curious caves in the Himalayas, an archeological professor and his students came across small tombs, which held the skeletons of several 4' 4" creatures. There were no gravestones but instead hundreds of foot-long disks with holes in the center and grooves spiraling out from the holes. Beijing's Dr. Tsum Um determined the grooves contained hieroglyphics that told a tale of a group, the Dropas, who crashed on earth. The Dropas attempted to befriend local tribes but were instead killed by the primitive humans who shunned them for their inhuman appearance.

1300 B.C.
Ancient hieroglyphics tell of a supernatural event that took place in Egypt during the rule of Pharaoh Thutmose III. According to the carvings, a circle of fire appeared in the sky one night and then multiplied over the course of the next few days. The circles then ascended into the sky, headed south, and disappeared.

1180 A.D.
700 years before the West began using the term "flying saucer," the Japanese reported seeing flying "earthenware vessels." One such object was seen in the Kii province where it appeared near a mountain, reversed and disappeared into the horizon leaving behind a glowing trail of smoke. The Japanese government even conducted an official investigation into the repeated sightings but, in what may be the first instance of a government lying about UFOs, the official outcome of the investigation was that "it is only the wind making the stars sway."

Late 1400s
Tear your eyes away from Mother Mary's serene expression in "The Madonna with Saint Giovannino" by Domenico Ghirlandaio and direct your attention to the back right corner. There in the sky is a disk floating in mid-air and, below it, an earthbound man and his dog (silhouetted) looking up agog at what could be an early depiction of a UFO.

Upon examining the skeletal remains of one of France's greatest and smallest French rulers, Napoleon Bonaparte, scientists were baffled when they discovered a half-inch long object that appeared to be a microchip. Some, including Dr. Andre Dubois, believe that this is proof that Napoleon was abducted by aliens. "Napoleon vanished from sight for several days in July 1794, when he was 25," Dubois says. "He later claimed he'd been held prisoner during the Themidorian coupbut no record of that arrest exists. I believe that is when the [alien] abduction took place."

Three months after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Californians were vigilantly monitoring the skies for signs of Japanese attack. On the night of February 24, hundreds reported seeing a large UFO over Los Angeles. Thought to be an air strike, the sky was soon lit up with searchlights, which quickly found the giant hovering object. The craft was hit with anti-aircraft fire but suffered no apparent damage. The UFO floated south towards Long Beach and vanished. To this day, the true nature of the ship is unknown, but the event has been immortalized in UFO history as the Battle of Los Angeles.

Two men wandering Siberia's frozen tundra came across what appeared to be the body of an alien. (The clip of the body, which can be seen on YouTube but already blocked, has over 1.4 million views to date.) The body is decayed and damaged and partly buried in the snow. It has a purplish pallor, elongated almond-shaped eye sockets, and thin, gangly extremities. The area is a hotspot of reported UFO activity, which has led many to believe that the corpse is a remnant of a UFO crash. Could aliens be evolving?
This is all sources that i get from my research and do you believed that?Is your opinion.
I truly believe it, because I already do research for a long times ago....
This is all sources that i get from my research and do you believed that?Is your opinion.
I truly believe it, because I already do research for a long times ago....